Supply Chain Cargo Security Services

Conduct cargo security assessment’s & Profile of supply chain from foreign point of origin to importation

Procedural Security

Develop controls to protect against unmanifested material being introduced into the supply chain. Security controls include the supervised introduction/removal of cargo, the proper marking, weighing, counting and documenting of cargo/cargo equipment verified against manifest documents, the detecting/reporting of shortages/overages, and procedures for affixing, replacing, recording, tracking, and verifying seals on containers, trailers, and railcars.

Conduct random, unannounced security assessments of areas in a company’s control within the supply chain. Implement procedures for notifying Customs and other law enforcement agencies in cases where anomalies or illegal activities are detected, or suspected, by the company.

Physical Security

Insure all facilities are constructed of materials which resist unlawful entry and protected against outside intrusion.

Physical security includes perimeter fences, locking devices on external and internal doors, windows, gates and fences, adequate lighting inside and outside the facility, and the segregation and marking of international, domestic, high-value, and dangerous goods cargo within the warehouse by a safe, caged or otherwise fenced-in area.

Evaluate and coordinate the introduction and utilization of CCTV, electronic access and recording devices.

Access Controls

Develop and implement procedures to control unauthorized access to facilities and conveyances.

Controls must include positive identification, recording, and tracking of all employees, visitors, and vendors. Procedures should also include challenging unauthorized/unidentified persons.

Personnel Security

Develop procedures for companies to identify key positions in the security chain and conduct periodic background checks and application verifications.

Education and Training Awareness

Implement a security awareness program for employees including the recognition of internal conspiracies, maintaining cargo integrity, and determining and addressing unauthorized access.

Conveyance Security

Develop procedures to insure conveyance integrity to protect against the introduction of unauthorized personnel and material.

Security must include the physical search of all readily accessible areas, the securing of internal/external compartments and panels, and procedures for reporting cases in which unauthorized personnel, unmanifested materials, or signs of tampering, are discovered.

Evaluate and coordinate the introduction and utilization of x-ray processing and scanning devices and methods.

Coordinate Industry Partnership Programs with U.S. Customs Service

Carrier Incentive Program (CIP) + Super Carrier Incentive Program (SCIP)

Business Anti-Smuggling Coalition (BASC)

The Americas Counter Smuggling Initiative (ACSI)


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